Paris Nord 2 provides Park employees and visitors with free access WiFi terminals.

Thanks to 4 information points equipped with a terminal, you can connect your computer, smartphone or tablet to free WiFi.

You’ll find them at the following addresses:

Information point equipped with a terminal

Close to the Hyatt Regency, at 351, avenue du Bois de la pie,

Information point equipped with a terminal

On avenue du Bois de la pie, between no. 87 and no.165,

Information point equipped with a terminal

On the RD 40, close to the pyramide Aerolians,

Information point equipped with a terminal

Opposite the RER station, at 86, avenue des Nations.

WiFi access

To access the WiFi, simply connect to the network “Hotspot-pn2” and register using an email address. You will then have 1 hour of free access

Offline, you still have unlimited access to:

AeroliansParis Restaurant website, to consult the menus of the multi-company restaurants, obtain their contact details and recharge your swipe card.

Website AeroliansParis employee space

The Employee Space, accessible from, to find the latest benefits available for the Park employees.

Service available every day from 8:30 am to 9 pm.

Services: Free access WiFi terminals

Date: June 2018

To find your bearings, use the below plan of the park

Aerolians - Plan du Parc